Exam- Allmaier-2015- [164.234]

Since I had the exam yesterday, here some tipps for those who still have to do it:

The following exam description is split in two part. The registration and the sample exam questions. Text in > italic font > are questions by the professor, the text afterwards describes the expected answer. Text in braces […] are hints for you to study.

Registration: If you want to have the exam, you have to write him an email and suggest and interval that would suit you. Will probably take some time till he writes back, but then he will provide you with dates and you might choose the one that suits you.

Exam (questions)[/b]: During my exam he started to ask if I was doing my thesis actually and then he let me talk about it UNTILL he found a suitable topic to ask about Proteins, Cells, or anything that come close to his subject. That’s actually what he wants- to teach in a way which reflect the nature of analytical chemistry.
Remember, analytical chemistry is the qualitative and quantitative description of matter. So he tries to ask questions that will reflect that you can APPLY your knowledge to the world around you.

In my case they went on like that:
Ok, well, around an biodegradable implant, what can you find there?. The answer he wanted: Cells.
Whats outside a cell?. Proteins, Lipids, etc. [Basic knowledge of chemistry might be beneficial at this level].
How can you separate those proteins?. Chromatography techniques, electrophoresis.
What kinds of EP. techniques do you know? Isoelectric fokusing, zone electrophoresis,…, 2D SDS-PAGE,…
Ah, 2D- electrophoresis. Tell me more about it. Bla, bla, bla (Schema, how it works, 2 different directions, higher resolution)
Is the separation principle the same in the two directions? No, ph-Gradient in one direction (for isoelectric point), size exclusion in the other direction due to porous gel.
How does EP. principally works? You have an electric field that drives the molecules to move. You switch the field off, the molecules stop there.
How can you analyse the separated particles? You can dye them. The color pigments are visible in visible light and thats what you see. There are two ways of to dye it- positive or negative. Or you attach flurophores, …, use MALDI (if you have an laser around and want to spend lots of money on the analysis, etc).

Further questions included:
What detectors are there in EP? How does refractory detection work? How does UV-Detection work? Whats the difference between HPLC and LPLC? The setup of HPLC? Whats affinity chromatography? How can you unbind the proteins? How to cool down capillar EP? …

So the exam was not much about the deep details, rather about the principles, how to apply them and having some basic knowledge about chemistry. Questions from the FB- forum and others include: Gelelectrophoresis, random error vs. systematic error, performance characteristics, etc.

To conclude this exam, I would say its best to start of reading the basics about each technique without digging to deep. Try to get an good overview and understand the connections and then work through the slides in detail. This should do it.

Good luck with that one,
