453 Biomedical Engineering
Anatomy and Histology Schwerpunkt B: Biomedical Instrumentation & Signal Physiology and Pathology Integrative Pflichtfächer Life Science Biomedical Instrumentation Biocompatible Materials Biomedical Engineering Allgemeine Themen, die der Studienrichtung 453 Biomedical Enginerring zugeordnet werden können. Fragen zu Pflicht- oder Wahlfächern bitte in den entsprechenden Unterforen posten. Schwerpunkt C: Mathematical & Computational Biolog Medical Image Processing Instrumental Analytical Biochemistry Introduction to Biomaterials and Tissue Engineerin Schwerpunkt D: Medical Physics & Imaging Biology Schwerpunkt A: Biomaterials & Biomechanics Biostatistics Biomedical Sensors and Signals Introduction to Biomechanics Biophysics Introduction to Biology Chemistry Introduction to Microscopy in Biology